
Specific Plan
Cartoon floor plan with a "Not Approved" stamp on it.
Have you heard? Los Angeles has a housing problem! We’re over 450,000 housing units short based on the latest RHNA (Regional Housing Needs Allocation) assessment. Need a recap on why? Check out our short history lesson on housing and how we got here: Part 1 and Part 2, and then read up on the latest...
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Sketch of three houses along the same street. Each house has a wooden exterior, a large tree in the front, and other vegetation around the houses.
It’s a common question: Why is housing in Los Angeles so expensive? We are constantly asked this question by clients and decided to dig deep to see what drives the high housing costs across the city. The answer is complex, and sometimes polarizing, because there are multiple underlying factors. The goal of this article is...
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Overhead image of nine modern units, each with a colored roof to denote their unit type. They sit within a colored circle, and the other buildings outside the circle have an opaque filter over them.
We recently presented our project at a Design Review Board and got stuck between requirements of a Specific Plan and concerns of an abutting neighbor… let’s call him Bob. Bob’s concern, which he voiced at the meeting, “This project is contributing to the butterfly shortage.” As it turns out, Bob is the neighbor to the...
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