The firm of Tracy A. Stone Architect offers LEED Management Services for LEED NC and LEED CI. We have successfully completed LEED management (including certification documentation, construction services, and USGBC submittal) for the Los Angeles North Central Animal Services Center, recently awarded LEED Gold Certification (image above). The firm has performed LEED CI analysis and...Read More
Our office uses Building Information Modeling software (BIM) in order to produce the most accurate drawings possible. Our software, ArchiCAD, allows us to introduce the project to the client as a 3D drawing through which we can explore the spaces, room by room. Consequently, BIM software is intelligent with features that evaluate sustainable building design...Read More
Once drawings are finalized, the plans are submitted to the appropriate city building department for review. The plan check process timeline can vary depending on complexity and is often determined by the number of departments requiring review/clearances and city availability. Plan check fees can vary and are normally based on a percentage of estimated construction...Read More
In this phase, we formulate a conceptual design for the project. The design must reconcile your desires and requirements with the site conditions, code requirements, and with the budget. At this point we will need a survey of your site or building, as well as any documentation you have for the project, such as soils...Read More
Each site is unique and some projects may require additional city review. If the project site falls within Specific Plan areas, Design Review areas, Historic Preservation Overlay Zones (HPOZ), or the project needs to request a deviation from the code, additional City Planning review may be required to ensure the project conforms to the published...Read More
Schematic plans generated to date are further refined into a working set of drawings. We will assemble and coordinate with a team of consultants including structural, mechanical, plumbing and electrical engineers to develop the design. The architectural drawing set and the 3D model are refined and expanded to include things like materials, specific door and...Read More
During the Construction Administration phase, we act as your representative in meetings with the contractor and will visit the job site to ensure that the project is being built according to the design and drawings. Any drawing clarifications or responses to the contractor’s RFI’s (request for information) are produced in this phase. We recommend site...Read More
During the Bid process, we will work with you and assist in the selection of contractors by interviewing and reviewing past work, as well as providing the appropriate drawings and answering questions to ensure that the bid is competitive and correct.Read More
Construction Documents are a set of drawings that expand upon the design development drawings and provide in detail the requirements for the construction of the project and the quality levels of materials and systems for the project. This includes building detailing, and specifications. At approximately 80%-90% completion, a permit set will be generated for review...Read More