LCF Residence

Rendering of the exterior space of a modern house. Includes a stepdown into a conversation pit with wooden floors, as well as a view of the floor to ceiling glass windows and doors that make up the house facade.


LocationLa Canada, CA
Size2527 sf, 3 B / 2.5 BA
Structural EngineerCAlCivic Engineering, Inc.

The existing 1970’s stucco ranch-style house had not been updated for decades. The interior featured a raised roof over the living room with exposed glu-lam beams and wood ceiling, but the sloping roof cut off the spectacular views to the east over the San Gabriel valley. The wooded slope to the west and the low eaves kept the entry and kitchen dark throughout most of the year. The cabinetry and bathrooms throughout the house were tired and badly needed a facelift.

The addition and remodel focused on re-configuring the roof of the house: adding new gables over the kitchen and living room to raise the eaves and allow for additional glazing and access to views. The remaining eaves were clipped at various angles to give the whole roof a new life – floating and slicing over windows to allow for views in areas and shade in others.

The interior living spaces (living room, dining room, kitchen and master suite) were completely gutted. The kitchen now features a soaring wood ceiling, exposed beams, clerestory windows, and a large island. The living room extends out towards the east with large sliding glass doors and a linear skylight at the roof peak washes the back wall with dappled light. The master bath extends out to capture a bit of the easterly views and features clean, contemporary fixtures and materials.

Photo of construction taking place on the front facade of a modern house. The foreground features a few wooden planks and furniture pieces on the floor, while the background shows a man on a ladder facing a window.
Photo of a wood slat ceiling and skylight for a modern house during construction. The ceiling and skylight cover the top half of the image, while a white stucco wall cover the bottom half.
Rendering of a modern kitchen. Includes white wall cabinets, built-in appliances, marble countertops and island, and a high ceiling.
Rendering of a modern dining and living space. Includes white stucco walls, a wooden floor and roof, and a thin skylight on the right.