I don’t know about you, but every time I read a sentence containing the abbreviations “SB” or “AB” my brain immediately hurts trying to figure out which state senate or assembly bill is being referenced. The research for this blog found me in an avalanche of state bills that all started to intertwine. How is...Read More
UPDATE: Since writing and posting this blog back in January 2022, Los Angeles City Planning has created an info page and implementation memo. Check it out! —– There’s been a lot of buzz surrounding the recent Senate Bill 9 (SB9) that just went into effect earlier this month. It is California’s most recent attempt to...Read More
In our previous blog, we commented on the need for smart growth and development. How does that work? Good question. In looking for answers, we decided it was necessary to review other major metro area strategies. We’ve picked a few that were particularly interesting, or those that had good potential for implementation in Southern California....Read More
In our travels around Los Angeles presenting projects to various community groups, we face a lot of fearful residents concerned about increased density in the city. Everyone wants more affordable housing, but no one seems to want more housing. And as long as people keep moving to Los Angeles, we need more housing. After...Read More