
single-family zoning
In a world of single-family zoning, we we’re pleasantly surprised to stumble across this recent article in the New York Times highlighting the history of a small New Jersey town and its success with “light-touch density” (LTD): small lot single-family homes, townhouses, triplexes, and fourplexes permitted on land zoned for single-family development. California has taken...
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Sketch of three houses along the same street. Each house has a wooden exterior, a large tree in the front, and other vegetation around the houses.
It’s a common question: Why is housing in Los Angeles so expensive? We are constantly asked this question by clients and decided to dig deep to see what drives the high housing costs across the city. The answer is complex, and sometimes polarizing, because there are multiple underlying factors. The goal of this article is...
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Graphic depicting two houses on the same property. One house sits closer to the street, while the other sits behind the first house at the back of the property.
UPDATE: Since writing and posting this blog back in January 2022, Los Angeles City Planning has created an info page and implementation memo. Check it out! —– There’s been a lot of buzz surrounding the recent Senate Bill 9 (SB9) that just went into effect earlier this month. It is California’s most recent attempt to...
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